Things To Be Aware Of Before Renting

Whether you require residential or student housing, Qube Residential has a variety of homes in Liverpool for rent or purchase. We love assisting clients in finding their ideal house in Liverpool since the city has so much to offer. If you’re thinking about relocating to Liverpool and renting and this is your first time looking for a home, it might be intimidating. You’ll need to know about certain aspects of the property if you want to obtain the most accurate image of what will work best for you. 

Everyone understands that the rental market in the UK moves quickly, but that doesn’t mean you should rush your choice while looking for a new house. Before agreeing to sign on the dotted line, every renter should have a list of important questions to ask their prospective landlord or the agency managing the lease.


It will be essential to ask what is the deposit due and how it will be protected. The first half of this question is self-evident, while the second is frequently disregarded. Landlords are required by law to preserve their tenants’ deposits, but there are several options for doing so. Knowing which path your landlord is going will allow you to do your research and relax.

Renting and Property Management 

Will you be working directly with the landlord, or will the property be managed by a property management company or a local rental agent? It’s crucial to know who you’ll be working with during your tenancy, especially when it comes to who will be your point of contact if something goes wrong.

Home Heating 

You don’t have to be a boiler expert to figure out what sort of boiler you have and how old it is. However, knowing what type of boiler you have and how old it is can give you a better sense of how much your boiler will cost to run in the future. Inquire about how it has been previously cared for.

Internet Connection 

It’s easy to take logging on to the Internet for granted these days, but not all properties offer reliable Internet access, so ask about it, especially if you work remotely.

If you want to see for yourself how excellent the property is, you can perform a speed test from your phone while viewing it. Liverpool has some of the best broadband speeds in the country, so before you sign a lease, make sure your new house is one of those homes pulling the average up.

Renting With Pets 

The significance of this will divide tenants, but if you fail on the side that counts, it’s very likely it will matter. It’s important to note that while many landlords have a blanket “No Pets Allowed” policy, they’re often willing to let renters retain pets on a case-by-case basis. If you don’t ask, you won’t get.


While specific storage alternatives, such as cupboards and closets, will be readily evident, others, such as a garage, may not be so obvious. Inquire about the total amount of storage available and if you can bring your own.

If you are considering moving to Liverpool, take a look on our website at some fantastic residential and student homes. We are experts in finding individuals the perfect accommodation when moving to the city. Get in touch today!